Bio identical Hormone treatment Waterford, MI - Horizon Hormone Therapy

Introduction to Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical hormones are identical in molecular structure to the hormones produced naturally in the human body. As we age, our hormone levels decline causing unpleasant symptoms. Replacing diminished hormones with bioidentical versions can alleviate these issues.

Our bodies recognize these hormones as natural, allowing for excellent absorption and utilization. Prescribed properly and monitored routinely, bioidentical hormones are safe and effective. Let's explore the benefits further.

Why Hormone Levels Decline

There are several reasons our hormone production declines over time:

Catching and addressing hormonal imbalances early on is key to avoiding unpleasant symptoms.

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Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance

Low hormone levels manifest in numerous ways. Common symptoms include:

Mood issues:

Sleep disturbances:

Physical changes:

Sexual health:

Menstrual cycle changes: - Irregular, heavy, or painful periods

Other: Recurring headaches, reduced immunity, hair loss

The Benefits of Bioidentical HRT

Treatment with bioidentical hormone therapy (BHRT) can alleviate hormone deficiency symptoms and promote long lasting wellness.

Relief of Unpleasant Symptoms

Balancing your hormones with BHRT relieves issues like hot flashes, night sweats, low energy, and sleep disturbances. Patients report renewed vitality and an overall improvement in quality of life.

Protection for Long Term Health

Optimal hormone levels afforded by BHRT provide health protecting effects:

Improved Self-Image and Confidence

For many patients, the gradual physical changes from aging like weight gain and hair loss damage self-confidence. Restoring hormone balance can:

Take control of your hormonal health today!

Getting Started with Bioidentical HRT

Unsure if BHRT is right for you? Learn more about the basics of getting started:

Hormone Balance Assessments

The first step is testing your hormone levels with a simple blood draw. This establishes a baseline to judge treatment effectiveness. We use cutting-edge analysis to deliver comprehensive results.

Customized Treatment Plan Creation

Each treatment plan is unique to the patient's physiology and hormone profile. After analyzing blood tests, our practitioners will determine an individualized regimen.

Hormone Administration and Monitoring

Bioidentical estrogens, testosterone, DHEA can be administered as oral capsules, sublingual drops, topical creams or gels, pellets, or patches. Follow up blood tests help gauge progress.

Lifestyle and Nutrition Guidance

Diet, exercise, sleep and stress management all influence hormonal balance. Our experts provide personalized suggestions to complement treatment.

With an optimized plan specific to your needs - balancing hormones is readily achievable.

Horizon Hormone Therapy Specializes in Bioidentical HRT

Our experienced medical team has training in anti-aging medicine with an emphasis on hormone replacement. We guide each patient through:

Our Mission

Horizon Hormone Therapy strives to deliver exceptional patient-centered care. We listen to your concerns, answer all questions, and put your needs first.

Our goal is for you look and feel your best by safely and effectively balancing hormones long term.

An Emphasis on Lifestyle Guidance

Aside from treatment plans, we offer actionable advice on improving diet, fitness, sleep quality and stress management. Adhering to these pillar wellness concepts ensures the best outcomes.

Convenient Location

Our Waterford office offers flexible hours for your busy schedule. Let us make optimizing your hormone health as seamless as possible!

Interesting fact

Bioidentical hormones are not necessarily safer or more effective than synthetic hormones for menopausal symptoms. Large, long-term studies comparing health outcomes of bioidenticals versus synthetics are lacking, so claims about superiority of one over the other are currently unsupported by rigorous evidence.

The Diagnosis and Treatment Process Step by Step

Below is a walkthrough of what to expect when starting bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) with Horizon Hormone Therapy:

Comprehensive Lab Testing

Blood tests gauging hormone levels plus health markers establish a baseline. We test for:

Thorough Initial Consultation

During your first appointment we:

Follow ups in the first months help calibrate your regimen to meet treatment goals quickly and safely.

Convenient Hormone Pellet Implants

Sustained hormone release through subcutaneous pellet implants maintain stable, sufficient levels for 4-6 months. Localized numbness makes insertion virtually painless.

Routine Follow Up and Adjustments

We recheck your blood every 3 months to ensure hormone concentrations are ideal as your plan progresses. Feedback about symptoms governs changes if needed.

Emphasis on Lifestyle Optimization

Diet, exercise, stress reduction, and sleep management all profoundly influence hormone balance. Our experts provide science based, practical suggestions to drive treatment success.

With our attentive oversight - you can safely achieve ideal hormonal health for an elevated quality of life. Please contact Horizon Hormone Therapy in Waterford to get started!

Take control of your health and try BHRT!

Types of Hormones Used in BHRT

There are several major hormones that can be used to alleviate unpleasant symptoms and promote wellbeing. These include:


If symptoms of menopause like hot flashes, night sweats and mood swings plague you - replacing deficient estrogen often helps dramatically. While orally administered estrogen carries risks, delivery via gels, sprays and patches mitigates these concerns, promoting cardiovascular and bone health. Estrogen also helps stabilize mood, energy, cognition and weight.


This hormone peaks during the second half of the menstrual cycle, supporting pregnancy if it occurs. Besides keeping periods regular, progesterone promotes calm mood and restorative sleep while aiding thyroid function and bone density. It generally opposes estrogen’s actions so the two must balance.


Testosterone deficiency manifests strongly in women too. It governs energy levels, sexual desire and arousal, muscle and bone strength, motivation and confidence. Restoring testosterone to optimal ranges alleviates these unpleasant effects while also decreasing body fat storage around the middle.


DHEA acts as a precursor our bodies use to manufacture other critical hormones. Levels peak around age 30 then decline. Supplementing low DHEA not only supports balanced testosterone and estrogen production, but also stabilizes mood, boosts immunity and aids cognition.

Other Hormones

Thyroid hormones regulate metabolism and energy while cortisol influences immunity, stress response and daily cycles. Optimizing these hormones promotes vibrant health and can boost weight loss efforts. Ask your Horizon Hormone Therapy practitioner which hormones you should target!

With vast experience leveraging bioidentical hormones to restore wellness, our experts tailor treatment regimens specific to your needs. Contact us in Waterford today to start feeling your best!

The Ideal Lifestyle Protocol for Maximizing Hormone Therapy Success

Aside from expert medical management, adhering to the following tenants will compound the benefits of your hormone optimization plan:

Nutrient Rich, Balanced Diet

Target a mix of lean proteins, healthy fats and high fiber carbohydrates emphasizing vegetables, fruits, nuts/seeds and whole grains. Stay hydrated drinking ample water daily. Limit sugar, processed foods and alcohol which strain endocrine function.

Sufficient, High Quality Sleep

Aim for 7-9 hours per night. Maintain consistent bed and wake times, avoid electronics before bed and sleep in total darkness for melatonin release. Consider supplements like magnesium, glycine, theanine and CBD.

Regular Exercise Tailored to Fitness Level

Both aerobic activity plus resistance training provide optimal results. Start gradually and increase intensity over time. Even walking several times weekly confers benefits. Work with our staff to develop an exercise plan for you.

Effective Stress Relief Strategies

Yoga, meditation, deep breathing, spending time in nature, recreational activities and sufficient leisure time off all mitigate excess stress. If needed, counseling provides another layer of support.

When combined synergistically, these core lifestyle components drive enduring hormone balance and the peak health possible at any age. Our staff provides highly specific, practical suggestions to make instituting positive habits straight forward! Let us help guide you on a journey to elevated wellness potential today.

Frequently Asked Questions About Bioidentical HRT

Are bioidentical hormones natural?

While synthesized in a lab, bioidentical hormones match endogenous hormones molecularly allowing excellent assimilation. They interact identically with receptors making them quite natural as far as your body is concerned.

Is bioidentical hormone therapy FDA approved?

The FDA tightly regulates the consistency, potency and purity of bioidentical hormones - not necessarily the practice of replacement therapy itself. However, organizations like the Endocrine Society and American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine published guidelines supporting bioidentical hormone therapy.

How much does treatment cost?

With insurance coverage varying widely, we provide flexible payment options. An annual expense estimate is between $1500 to $3000 depending on the custom treatment plan. Budget plans help make this care accessible to all appropriate patients. Please ask about details!

What are the side effects or risks?

Doses tailored specifically to your physiology make side effects rare. However, estrogen or testosterone levels rising too high brings a small risk of headaches, fluid retention, breast tenderness, hair shedding or acne. We routinely test levels to avoid overdose hope these answers provide reassurance about the safety, legitimacy and affordability of properly administered bioidentical hormone replacement therapy here at Horizon Hormone Therapy. Please reach out with any additional questions!

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